Morgan Phillips is an adventuring, risk-taking, mountain climbing photographer based in Seattle, Washington. Having grown up in Alabama, Morgan picked up and moved across the country and now lives close to some of his favorite climbing and photography spots. This relocation has proved to be a perfect fit for Morgan, as he is influenced and inspired by his natural surroundings. Morgan has a massive following on social media - as his adventure exploits to some extremely remote places and even places right in his own backyard are sure to inspire even the most risk-adverse explorers. We are thrilled to speak with Morgan and hear about what gets him going as he heads out for a shoot and about some of his past travels.

Find Morgan's prints here: and Instagram here: @morganphillips

Cover photo by: @jongsunpark_

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Photo by: @secondhand_kearns

Photo by: @secondhand_kearns

What is your name, where are you from, and where do you live now? 

My name is Morgan Phillips, I am from Birmingham, Alabama and I currently live in Seattle Washington. 

How did you get interested in photography and how has that developed over the years? You moved from Alabama to Seattle - did that affect your photography and lifestyle at all? 

I have always had an interest in photography but I never dove into that interest until 12 years ago. Then once Instagram took off I jumped in head first and I haven’t looked back. Moving across the country definitely effected my lifestyle! Alabama and LA are just about the complete opposite! I am grateful for my experience there but I am more of a nature guy! My photography in LA tended to be more fashion focused, which is something I enjoy from time to time but not my go to genre of photography.

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You love to explore and seek adventure  - what are some of your favorite experiences and things to do around you? (i.e. Sierras, Wyoming, Montana etc.) 

I would say the Cascades have a never-ending assortment of locations. I am still exploring them and that makes them my favorite! Taking a new trail, seeing a new view. 

You seem to love hiking and mountaineering - what kind of adventures do you seek the most? 

I love the story, something real. It’s awesome when you can go out and do something that you enjoy while getting content that tells the story. Thats what I live for, whether it is hiking or mountaineering it just has to be fun!

What do you like so much about travel and being on the road? 

Seeing new places and meeting new people. It  is so nice hearing about someone else perspective on the place that I am visiting. 

Can you tell us all about your trip to Argentina? It looked insane! 

I don’t know where to begin! Argentina is way more diverse than I could have imagined! Rainforest, desert, Mountains, Patagonia, and a huge city all rolled into one warm and welcoming country! I feel like nothing I can say would be enough to describe it! I would recommend checking it out if you ever have a chance. My favorite part was the mountains in the South West! 

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What was it like exploring a place as remote and untouched as the Faroe Islands? 

When I got to the Faroe Islands I was worried we were not going to have enough time there then I realized just how small they truly are. There are more people within 5 square miles of me at this moment than in the entire country of the Faroe Islands! Thats mind blowing! Everywhere you go you feel like you were one of the first people there, although you weren’t! 

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How do you prepare for a trip to get off the grid as many of your photos are of landscapes, mountains etc.? 

Well, It definitely depends on the trip. I try to bring as little as possible, just what I need. I am not a huge planner, I like to see where the trip takes me! 

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What are the top three places you want to visit:

New Zealand, Peru, Chile (again)

If you could bring along any three people (living or dead) on the road with you - who would it be and why? 

Hmm, this is such a hard question. I would bring Barack Obama (maybe he will read this and come on a trip) because he would offer great conversation, Anthony Bordain because he had such a beautiful way of immersing himself in a culture, and my goofball friend Tucker Doss because we always have fun!